Potential False Alerts from 16:16 UTC to 16:32 UTC
Incident Report for Dead Man's Snitch
We're sorry for any false alerts you received today due to our maintenance. We know how disruptive and aggravating it can be and we work hard to make incidents like this as rare as possible.

We performed a required database maintenance today at 16:16 UTC following our normal maintenance process. The maintenance finished at 16:29 UTC at which time we started processing our backlog of check-ins. At 16:30 UTC we believed we had caught up on queued check-ins so we reenabled our alerting process. Unfortunately we had not fully caught up and caused a number of false alerts.

Again, we're really sorry for the false alerts. We are in the process of backend improvements that better handle cases where processing is delayed. We look forward to talking about those improvements soon.
Posted Sep 26, 2019 - 12:59 EDT
This incident affected: Snitch Check-in Processing.